Event Title: Leal Science Night
Location: Leal Elementary, Urbana, IL
Date: April 29th, 2016
Members of ENVISION set up 5 tables at the Leal Elementary Science Night, where our theme was “Explore Engineering”. A description of each of our tables is included below:
- Electrical Engineering – Egg carton battery activity, where the students assembled a battery from copper wire, nails, vinegar, an LED, and an egg carton.
- Environmental Engineering – Wind turbine kits, borrowed from Professor Rutherford from the University of Illinois.
- Mechanical Engineering – CD Hovercrafts, assembled from a CD, a balloon, and a bottle cap. The students were introduced to the concept of friction.
- Structural Engineering – Gumdrop domes, in which the students constructed small structures from gumdrops and toothpicks. The students learned how triangles are stronger than squares.
- Controls & Dynamics – We had three activities at this table: a robotic inverted pendulum, a wood and bottle demo (to demonstrate stability), and a segway!