News: What’s Up With That?

I feel that this year has cast a rather negative light upon the subject of news for me. The post 9/11 generation, I believe, has been presented with a system of Journalism that thrives upon fear-mongering and conflict.

There seems to be no Walter Cronkite that everyone can tune into to obtain reliable news. The voices for our generation, often times, are comedians. When satire seems more reliable then broadcast journalism, I tend to think there is a problem.

I try to absorb and gather as much information as possible, but it almost seems impossible when the information is so biased. News, especially recent news, has just made me so tired. I have become numb to it all.

Pharmaceutical Company Chooses Profits Over People

On Saturday of last week, an article, published by The Independent and written by Katie Forster, revealed that Aspen Pharmacare, one of the world’s top pharmaceutical companies, was celebrating the price hikes of cancer drugs.

This revelation came about through the leaked emails of Aspen staff. Aspen had reportedly attempted to destroy stocks of life-saving medicine during a price dispute with the Spanish Health Service.

The article goes on to detail how certain chemotherapy drugs had risen from 4 to up to 12 times the original price in 2013. These price hikes have costed the National Health Service in England around £380m a year for prescriptions dispensed outside of hospitals.

Reports from multiple news outlets have detailed the exploitation of these health services by giant pharmaceutical companies. If the health services do not comply to outrageous demands, the companies will cut off the supply resulting in the deaths of many cancer patients.

A Department of Health spokesperson from the United Kingdom stated that the government is introducing laws that, “take action against excessive price rises on unbranded generic medicines.”

Aspen has yet to comment on these events.

Australian Lawyer’s Libel Suit Loses Steam

A recent article, written by Shannon Deery of the Herald Sun, describes an ongoing lawsuit between the search-engine giant, Google, and George Defteros, an australian lawyer notorious for defending gang leaders.

Defteros claims that Google Australia’s search results constantly discredit him as a “Gangland lawyer.”

Specifically, Defteros said that,”[Google Australia] put you all over the internet and you’ve got to fight to clear your name.”

Defteros believes that the search results of major search engine companies should be qualified as publication and that Google should be held responsible.

To the surprise of no one, the case was dismissed immediately due to the fact that Google Australia had no control over the search results shown. That control is held by the headquarters of Google at Google Inc.

This setback has not stopped Defteros. He plans on continuing with the lawsuit until his libel issues are resolved.