We encourage students with interests/experience in any areas of our research to apply to work in our lab.
Prospective Undergraduate Students
If you are interested in joining our lab, please fill out the RESEARCH ASSISTANT APPLICATION and send an email to dem-lab@illinois.edu with the following subject header: “DEML – UGRA/MA Application – [Your Last Name]”.
Prospective Masters Students
Masters theses in our lab will consist of conducting replications of foundational research in developmental psychology by implementing those studies in an online, unmoderated format. Students will thus gain experience in both foundational concepts in developmental psychology, as well as the implementation of novel methods. Students with experience or interest in Unity or C# are especially encouraged to apply. If this sounds like you, please fill out the MASTERS INTEREST FORM and send an email to dem-lab@illinois.edu with the following header: “DEML – Masters Student – [Your Last Name]”. NOTE: The general interest form is not an official application; you will still need to submit an official application with the Psychology Department at the University of Illinois.
Prospective PhD Students
We are not reviewing Ph.D. applications for the 2024-2025 application cycle.
Application Information
Information on applying to the Psychology Masters program at UIUC: LINK
Information on applying to the Psychology PhD program at UIUC: LINK
Information about the Developmental Psychology area at UIUC: LINK
General information/advice for about being in PhD programs (collected by Ya’el Courtney): LINK
General information/advice for about applying to PhD programs (collected by Ya’el Courtney): LINK