Excited to work with Astrid Ferrer on an NSF RAPID and French Guiana CEBA grant to collect Amauroderma fungi associated with Tachigali trees across Central and South America.
Excited to have NSF GRF recipient Blaine Martin join our lab this fall and to start working on Podocarpus root fungal communities.
Our recent paper on the discovery of “Zombie leaves” in tree fern Cyathea rojasiana was featured in the New York Times.
Congratulations to Suma Pagaldevatti and Lauren Otolski on passing their prelims exams — onwards and upwards!
Congratulations to Cecilia Prada on obtaining a STRI Tupper Fellowship to establish an elevated CO2 experiment at Volcan Baru – starting middle of 2024
Congratulations to Zarluis Mijango on successfully defending his MS thesis. Good luck in Austin Zarluis!
Congratulations to Cecilia Prada on successfully defending her PhD thesis. We’re excited to keep Ceci in the lab a while longer working on the Volcan Baru bamboo project (more soon when we finally return to Panama).
We have posters from Fortuna you can download here – featuring trees, orchids, ferns, palms, bryophytes and soils. Here’s the fern example:
Welcome to Lauren Otolski who will be a new PhD student in lab starting this Fall.
Super excited to announce the publication of the Fortuna Book: Fortuna Forest Reserve, Panama: Interacting Effects of Climate and Soils on the Biota of a Wet Premontane Tropical Forest (Smithsonian Contributions to Botany No. 112). This volume available free for download from SISP’s portal on Figshare
Congratulations to Jennifer Alvarez on winning a Graduate College Master’s Fellowship! Jennifer will start in Illinois in the Fall and will be co-advised by Prof. Jen Fraterrigo
Welcome to Sumashini Sundararajan who will be a new PhD student in lab starting this Fall.
Congratulations to Manuel Flores on winning an NSF GRFP to work on wood nutrient resorption patterns!
Our new paper from Katie Heineman’s thesis on the relationship between soil phosphorus and resprouting is out in Journal of Ecology. You can read a blog we wrote about the paper here
Congratulations to Jessica Lira on completing her PhD thesis “Effects of nutrient limitation on understory communities in a tropical forest”! Jessica will return to Brazil in January but remain part of our lab to work on the NITROF dataset.