“Spotlight” Movie Review

Spotlight was crafted beautifully. It was full of suspense and offered a lot of insight on the corruption, molestation, and sexual abuse in Catholic Churches. It also showed a side to how stressful and difficult investigative journalism can be, especially when you’re fighting against many people who want to cover up the truth. Spotlight also depicted how not only journalists are accountable for bringing stories to light, but also the public, lawyers, victims, people who know the perpetuators, etc. It was inspiring, showing how powerful it can be if everyone came forward and stepped up, telling their story- revealing the real truth.

I believe Spotlight accurately portray many raw emotions. I could feel the hurt and pain, scarring, from the victims, when they spoke about being violated. I could feel the frustration and toll it took on the investigative journalists not being able to prove and find all the missing pieces. I could feel the crumbling inside and disbelief of the long-time Catholic followers when they found out about the sexual abuse from priests. Spotlight captured every side of the story and in the end I was left in awe.