The Washington Post Investigates Trump’s Philanthropy

In the Washington Post, David A. Fahrenthold investigates all of the donations to charity President Donald Trump has made between the years 2009 and 2016.

In the Post, it releases all the sources it contacted. It contacted over 400 charities with ties to Trump, taking several months to do research. It includes quotes from past Trump employees and previous interviews the Post has done with Trump.

“He spent years constructing an image as a philanthropist by appearing at charity events and by making very public — even nationally televised — promises to give his own money away,” said Fahrenthold.

Trump oftentimes points out how he gives a lot of money to charity. I admit, I’ve always believe that this facade was true due to the vast amount of wealth he has. One of the things that made Trump seem the most charitable was his very own Trump Foundation.

In the Post, it said, “Tax records show the Trump Foundation has received $5.5 million from Trump over its life, and nothing since 2008. It received $9.3 million from other people.”

It was appalling to read these figures. Trump was put on this pedestal for being generous and giving, yet his own charity foundation was mostly funded by other people and their donations.

“The Trump Foundation’s largest-ever gift — $264,631 — was used to renovate a fountain outside the windows of Trump’s Plaza Hotel,” said the Washington Post.

Not only is the majority of the foundation not Donald Trump’s own money, but he uses it for personal purchases such improving the design of his own hotel. The money is supposed to be used to charitable donations, but instead is used on something that will benefit Trump’s own profit and gain.

Fahrenthold’s investigative journalism allows readers to see another side to Trump that was well-hidden from the public, making Trump more transparent than ever.