News and How it’s Told

The way news is told is constantly changing. I personally like the way news is told now. With the rise of technology finding a news article on a topic you find interesting is at your finger tips. Though we now run a risk of fake news or opinion posts like this, it is a sacrifice we have to put up with to have this abundance of news online. With the move of news to the internet we can see the increase in younger people in the news. This is something that overall helps the news industry to continue to grow and thrive.

How Can We Know When Something Is Presidential?

Now lets get one thing straight. I do not like president Trump most things he has done while in office I completely disagree with but this article takes it a little too far. The article written by Tim Peacock critiques Trumps recent actions of bombing Syria which isn’t the problem, the problem is his calling of these actions “unpresidential”. This is defamation. As an American citizen how can we know if an action is unpresidential. I agree that his sudden action without the consulting of congress is very impulsive and may I even say stupid. But using works such as unpresidential is something you use to purposely lower peoples thoughts of that person. It is not our place to say that something is presidential or not unless we are up there with the weight of the country on our shoulders.