Ostoich, Bodony, and Geubelle receive the AIAA Best Paper Award from the Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee for our AIAA Conference Paper “Direct numerical simulation of the aeroelastic response of a panel under high speed turbulent boundary layers,” AIAA Paper 2013-3200, Presented at the 43rd Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, 24-27 June, 2013.
Category: 2014
Bodony becomes Associate Editor of the journal Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Bodony becomes Associate Editor of the Journal Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics
Welcome Mr. Cory Mikida into our group!
Welcome Mr. Cory Mikida into our group!
Congratulations to Qi Zhang for passing his PhD defense!
Congratulations to Qi Zhang for passing his PhD defense!
Zhang’s simulation of a jet-in-crossflow for the DOE PSAAP2 Center featured on the SSAP Annual Report
Zhang’s simulation of a jet-in-crossflow for the DOE PSAAP2 Center featured on the SSAP Annual Report.
Welcome Mr. Joshua Bromberg into our group!
Welcome Mr. Joshua Bromberg into our group!
Bodony becomes Blue Waters Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Bodony becomes Blue Waters Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering (Inside Illinois article).
Bodony delivers plenary panel on Emerging Technologies at AIAA SciTech 2014
Bodony delivers plenary panel on Emerging Technologies at AIAA SciTech 2014 (slides).