Addiction to Social Media has Users in Terror

As the advancement of technology continues to rise, so does the amount of people that are using social media.

A survey by the American Psychological Association found around 90% of people in the age range of 18-29 years old were using social media, up from just 12% in 2005. The most used social media outlets were ranked in this order: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and then Twitter.

This age range demographic is not only rising in users but it also rising in the amount of users that are concerned about how much time they are spending on social media.

According to the report, “Almost half (48%) worry about the negative effects of social media on their physical and mental health.”

These users are labeled “constant checkers” and reported higher stress levels than their less-connected peers. Putting the phone down doesn’t seem to be getting any easier and users are becoming terrified of the overall affect of social media.