Study Abroad Program

The Department of the Classics operates a program called Illinois in Athens where you can explore both ancient and modern Greek culture. Check it out here! The Department sometimes offers short-term classes abroad as well. Keep your eyes on this page for more opportunities. Professor Leon (dleon) is always happy to discuss travel in Greece so don’t hesitate to email him.


Other programs not affiliated with the university may also qualify for UIUC credit (for details contact LAS International Programs). Here’s a short list.

Study Abroad programs where you can definitely take Greek

* College Year in Athens (

 * Arcadia University’s Greece Program                            

Archaeological opportunities which may provide an opportunity to use Greek                       (e.g. in deciphering inscriptions)

* List maintained by Archaeological Institute of America

 Other programs

* Greek Studies on Site ( Literature in translation, studied in the actual places in the text (e.g. reading Plato in Plato’s Academy)

 * Modern Greek Studies at UIUC ( sometimes offers courses in Greece