Journalism Shaping History

Journalism shapes what we know. What we are exposed to forms our culture.Therefore, journalists have a considerable amount of power. In many cases, journalists have used this power to urge the country forward. Outlets like the Huffington Post promoted gay rights before gay marriage was legal. However, when journalists support controversial statements for the greater good, they may be putting themselves in danger. Doing what’s right comes with a cost in this case.
Some people may not agree with the reporter’s opinions and react violently. Some situations, the journalist may even face legal consequences.
Despite the risk, many journalists risk their lives to report the truth and ethically shape cultures. The ethics and morals that journalist chooses to report have a huge impact.
Not every reporter always supports progressive ideas. Despite this, journalists have continuously helped change and develop the environment we live in. Journalism is not the only way to shape public opinion but it definitely has an impact on the way we think.
The press is a documentation of the world’s progress; it’s a way of knowing there’s always a chance for society to change.

Citizenfour Review

Citizen four

Citizen four follows former CIA agent Edward Snowden as he contacts reporter Laura Poitras. With the help of Glen Greenwald, release confidential CIA documents to the world. The documents reveal that the NSA has been gathering information about citizens from cellphones, internet searches and things alike. The documentary is recorded as the media reacts to the release of these documents.
The movie uncovers the lengths the CIA goes to in order to keep ed snowden quiet about the ordeal. Snowden could face jail time is he is revealed to be the source. However, he claims that he has no problem with going to jail if it means protecting the American public.

Fact Checking Falls on the People

Journalism is a valuable tool society has to spread information quickly. However, there are different pros and cons to certain types of journalism. In today’s culture, one has to be careful about how reliable their source is. Furthermore, news outlets must be picky about who and where they get their news from; if one story is confirmed untrue, the company’s reputation is shot.
Having reliable sources is extremely vital to a successful story. As a result, a journalist must verify almost every fact. Multiple interviews are conducted along with an intense amount of research.
With the aid of the internet, there’s less verification on the journalists part. Almost everyone has access and the ability to publish a story. Therefore, the verification is up to the reader. Not everyone on the web can be held accountable for false news stories, so people need to confirm if the sources within the story are reliable.
It’s interesting how news has changed and developed into a constant stream of information. Today, everyone is a journalist. However, it is up to the public to differentiate between the reliable and unreliable.

All the President’s Men Review

All The President’s Men

The movie “All the President’s Men” follows reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward. Together, they struggle to uncover the mysteries of the Watergate Scandal.
The setting begins with the election of 1972 with Nixon vs. Mcgovern. Robert Redford plays the role of Bob Woodward as a news-hungry bachelor working for the Washington Post. Carl Bernstein, played by Dustin Hoffman, is his partner-in-crime. They take on the story of a break-in at the Democratic National Committee. They are both young and relatively new reporters, so they take this opportunity to establish themselves in the news room. However, as they both dig deeper into the story, more and more coincidences appear. Eventually, they realize they’ve stumbled onto a conspiracy. Together they gather documents and interview anyone they can about Watergate.
The movie is surprisingly fast-paced and keeps the viewer engaged. The viewer needs to actively pay attention to understand the plot. Furthermore, the movie is incredibly focused; it never strays too far from the main plot. The scenes all surround the reporters and the struggles to release a story the public will believe.
Overall, “All the President’s Men” was an incredibly engaging movie regarding the Watergate Scandal. Viewers will be pleasantly surprised by the wit and suspense that this film provides.

Russian Spy deported after Prison Release

In Early April this year, ABC wrote an article concerning the prison release and deportation of Evgeny Buryakov. Buryakov was a Russian spy, worked with Victor Podobnyy and Igor Sporyshev to compile information about the U.S. The group of men were assigned the task of reporting economic information back to the Russian government.
Podobynn attempted to gain information from Carter Page. Later, Page claimed that the information leaked was public and trivial.
The U.S. government became aware of their presence and motives. As a result, the FBI began to monitor the group.
Brian Ross, Pete Madden and Michelle McPhee obtained information for this article from statements by Carter Page and Congress.
With this information, they were able to piece together an investigative article that brought to light an important issue.
As Bhara said in 2016,”More than two decades after the end of the Cold War, Russian spies still seek to operate in our midst under the cover of ,secrecy.”


Swiss Bank Faces Reputation Blow

Earlier this week the NYtimes released a story about a leak of information regarding a bank in Switzerland. The bank, called Credit Suisse, allegedly had “thousands of suspicious accounts”. While freedom of press stands as an issue, the article points out that the information has caused mass chaos within the nation.
Five raids have occurred as a result of the leak; not to mention the damage done to the bank’s reputation.
Switzerland had recently been trying to build up its financial reputation. However, this stunt has shattered the population’s trust in Swiss Banks. As a result, Switzerland might face even more economic hardship in the future.


Government to Threaten Poverty Organizations

Poverty affects thousands of U.S. homes each year. It makes sense that so much political attention is brought to the issue. However, congress has advocated capping federal spending on organizations such as Medicaid.

Not only is this tragic to those living in poverty, it could have a domino effect on the rest of the population. Robert E. Rubin from the Washington post explained that what hurts the poor also hurts the economy as a whole.

Rubin explained that organizations, such as Medicaid an food stamps are vital public investments with high rates of return.
“These programs serve as “automatic stabilizers” during an economic downturn: In a weak economy, as more people lose income and become eligible for federal benefits, the programs expand, putting more money in more people’s pockets. People then spend that money, increasing demand and helping the economy recover,” said Rubin.

Overall, Rubin focused primarily on how congress and the Trump administration were threatening vital poverty-aiding organizations.
Rubin ended his opinion column with the statement,
“Just think of how our economy would benefit if we finally marshaled the will and resources to effectively combat poverty. It would increase the size and productivity of our workforce, including by equipping children for success, and make our economy more resilient through stronger automatic stabilizers.”

Trump Refers to Press as the “Enemy”

Tom Kludt of CNN covered Donald Trump’s twitter attack of the Press on February 17th, by claiming numerous news outlets such as CNN, NYTIMES, NBC news, ABC, CBS, and NBC news were all the “the enemy of the American People”.

Many famous reporters voiced their concern with this statement; among them was Carl Bernstein, a journalist who covered the Watergate scandal.
Kludt of CNN responded to the many claims of Donald Trump. Trump accused CNN of having rigged polls, and referred to CNN as “the Clinton News Network”.

Kludt claimed that CNN accurately reported Clinton winning the popular vote by 2.1 points before election day.
The reporter ended his article with a quote about the media from Trump, “They’re very cunning and they’re very dishonest.”

If the link doesn’t work here are the URLs:

The Past, Present, and Press Coverage

ABC’s World News seems to define news as reporting avoidable crises. ABC spent a great amount of time focusing on changes within the government. However, they only briefly covered a devastating tornado and fraternity death.

Events that have already occurred get less screen-time than cases that might spark a domino effect. ABC focused heavily on the election of Betsy DeVos as US education secretary and the effect this might have on the US education system. They spent an equal amount of time covering Donald Trump’s immigration ban and the future for immigrants.

Future events take priority over past events in the eyes of the press; the more something can affect the future, the more it is viewed as a news-worthy story. People read the news to see not only what has happened in the past few days, but what lays ahead in the future.