Error Estimation

The leading error in a numerical integral can be estimated by the difference of two quadrature rules. As a canonical example, let us estimate the error of midpoint rule using its difference from the trapezoid rule.

Error of Midpoint Rule

Define the midpoint \(m=\frac{a+b}{2}\) and step size \(h=\frac{b-a}{2}\). By Taylor expansion
$$ f(x)=f(m)+f'(m)(x-m)+\frac{1}{2}f”(m)(x-m)^2+\dots.$$
By change of variable \(y=x-m\), we see that odd power terms drop out after integration
$$ \int_a^b f'(m)(x-m) dx=f'(m)\int_{-h}^h ydy=0.$$
Thus, by comparing to the midpoint rule formula \(M(f)=f(m)(b-a)\) with
$$ I(f)=f(m)(b-a)+\frac{f”(m)}{24}(b-a)^3+\dots=M(f)+E(f)+\dots,$$
we recognize the leading order error as \(E(f)=\frac{f”(m)}{24}(b-a)^3\).

Difference between Midpoint and Trapezoid

First rewrite the trapezoid rule
$$ T(f)=\frac{f(a)+f(b)}{2}(b-a),$$
in terms of \(f(m)\) using Taylor expansion
$$ \left\{\begin{array}{l} f(a)=f(m)-f'(m)h+\frac{h^2}{2}f”(m)+\dots \\ f(b)=f(m)+f'(m)h+\frac{h^2}{2}f”(m)+\dots\end{array}\right.\\
\Rightarrow T(f)=f(m)(a-b)+\frac{f”(m)}{8}(b-a)^3+\dots.$$
Now substitute the formula for \(M(f)\) and \(E(f)\) into \(T(f)\)
$$ T(f)=M(f)+3E(f)+\dots.$$
Thus we estimate \(E(f)\approx\frac{T(f)-M(f)}{3}\).

The above estimate is only accurate if

  1. Step size \(h\) is small enough so the next order error is way smaller than \(E(f)\)
  2. Higher derivatives of the function are well-behaved (aka do not blow up)