Meet ‘n’ Greet series

Meet ‘n’ Greet with Professor Karim Chatti

Thursday, April 30, 2:00 – 3:00 PM at the ATREL Classroom*

Come and join us after the Kent Seminar, to welcome Professor Karim Chatti. He is a Professor at Michigan State University, and specializes in pavement dynamics, vehicle-pavement interaction, pavement roughness, long-term pavement performance, and pavement health monitoring and non-destructive evaluation. Take advantage of this opportunity to have a direct and friendly conversation with him and ask any question regarding his professional work and/or path to career success. See you there!


*Note: The Advanced Transportation Research Engineering Laboratory (ATREL) is off-campus and the address is 1611 Titan Drive Rantoul, IL 61866.

For any questions, please contact Tamim Khan (


NCSA Blue Waters super-computing facilities tour

We have scheduled a tour of the NCSA Blue Waters super-computing facilities for this Friday, May 1 at 4pm. We will be touring both the visualization room and the machine room, which will take about 1.5 hour in total. These facilities are actually in separate locations on campus, so we will need to drive to get from one location to the other.

If interested in the tour, please contact Yang, Rebekah Y ( ) with the following by 5pm on Wed, April 29:

  1. Name
  2. Willing to drive? (Y/N)
  3. Interested in dinner afterward (Y/N)

Details about the tour will then be sent out to those interested later this week.

Meet ‘n’ Greet series

Meet ‘n’ Greet with Professor Dave White

Thursday, April 23, 2:00 – 2:30 PM at the ATREL Classroom*

Come and join us after the Kent Seminar, to welcome Professor Dave White. He is an Associate Professor at Iowa State University, and specializes in pavement foundation analysis, in-situ testing, and sensor technologies. Take advantage of this opportunity to have a direct and friendly conversation with him and ask any question regarding his professional work and/or path to career success. See you there!


*Note: The Advanced Transportation Research Engineering Laboratory (ATREL) is off-campus and the address is 1611 Titan Drive Rantoul, IL 61866.

For any questions, please contact Tamim Khan (

Meet ‘n’ Greet series

Meet ‘n’ Greet with Professor Charles Schwartz

Thursday, March 19, 12:30– 1:30 PM at the ATREL Classroom

Are you interested in learning more about different aspects of pavement engineering and especially about the use of recycling materials in pavements? For this week, we are pleased to welcome our distinguished lecturer, Professor Charles Schwartz, Chair of the Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Maryland College Park. He has participated in leadership roles for many national research projects, and he has regularly assisted federal, state, and local agencies, and private firms on pavement-related topics. Get to know more about Prof. Schwartz, and take advantage of the “Meet ‘n’ Greet” session before the seminar to have a friendly conversation with him and ask more informal questions about his career. Lunch will be provided! Come and join us!


Address to ATREL: 1611 Titan Drive Rantoul, IL 61866

Contact: Mojtaba Ziyadi (

Meet ‘n’ Greet series

Meet ‘n’ Greet with Dr. Navneet Garg

Thursday, March 19, 2 – 3 PM at Room 1005 Beckman Institute

Are you interested in learning more about Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) and new methods in airport pavement instrumentation? For this week, we are pleased to welcome, Dr. Navneet Garg, a program manager at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). He has been actively involved in airport pavement research at the FAA National Airport Testing Facility and will be presenting this week at the Kent Seminar series. Get to know more about Dr. Garg, and take advantage of the “Meet ‘n’ Greet” session after the seminar to have a friendly conversation with him and ask more informal questions about his career. Come and join us!

Contact: Mojtaba Ziyadi (

Meet ‘n’ Greet series

Professor Amit Bhasin from University of Texas, Austin

Thursday, March 19, 2 – 3 PM at the ATREL Classroom

Come and join us after the Kent Seminar, to welcome Professor Amit Bhasin to the University of Illinois!

He is an Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, and specializes in infrastructure materials and constitutive properties relating to engineering performance of composites. Take advantage of this opportunity to have a direct and friendly conversation with him and ask any question regarding his professional work and/or path to career success. See you there!


The university’s Engineering Open House is March 13-14, 2015. We will be helping to host a booth at EOH at NCEL Crane Bay to teach visitors about pavement engineering using a fun, edible activity. This annual event is always a great experience that allows us to encourage interest in transportation engineering among young students. If you are interested in helping out on Friday or Saturday, email Rebekah (

Welcome to our page

Transportation is an interesting field. It is one of the most important sectors in any country.  Our group tries to improve knowledge of the importance of different aspects of transportation among UIUC community. Here we will try to incorporate the up to date technologies in this field. Our events and workshops aim into that direction.

We hope you enjoy our page and find it useful. We are open to any comments and suggestions. So Go Illini, Go Transportation