Mission Statement:
The ASCE-T&DI GSO of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is a Graduate Student Organization affiliated with the Transportation and Development Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The GSO is established with the main purpose of strengthening the professional and extracurricular development of graduate students in transportation engineering specific to the following:
- Professional Development – through the organization of seminars, technical trips, and related activities with the purpose of providing opportunities for information exchange regarding current transportation research and practice issues;
- Intra-university Outreach – by increasing awareness of variety of subjects within transportation engineering for current and prospective graduate students and by fostering the engagement and collaboration of transportation engineering graduate students in University activities; and
- Community Outreach – by promoting awareness of transportation engineering in the Urbana-Champaign community through informative events and by contributing to the betterment of the Urbana-Champaign community, reaching beyond the university with volunteer work that meet societal needs from an engineering perspective.
Previous Activities:
Some of our past activities include
- Hosting Meet ‘n’ Greet Sessions with outside Kent Seminar Series speakers at the Illinois Center for Transportation
- Inviting an outside speaker to do a two-day workshop on the Bailey Aggregate Method
- Organizing education trips (e.g. Caterpillar Museum)
- Volunteering with transportation-related conferences on campus (e.g. T.H.E. Illinois Bituminous Paving)
- Various social events