Full Takeover: DONE

I can’t believe my last week of full takeover has ended. The past 4 weeks have brought their fair share of stress, business, tasks to complete, papers to grade, lessons to teach, and laughs.

One of the most rewarding parts was seeing how much the students seemed to value me as a teacher. It was satisfying to see how much progress I was able to make with the students over 4 weeks. It is going to be hard for me to take a step back since being full force is all I have known for the past 4 weeks. The hardest part I would say was either prior to starting takeover when having to plan a sequence of lessons spanning the course of multiple weeks or in the beginning. One aspect that was kind of nice was since I had planned, I was able to adjust more as I went. For example, early on in the semester, when given lessons by my co-op to teach, I sometimes felt like I needed to get it all in. But this time, it was nice to know that if I did not achieve what I needed to, then we had the next day to pick up where we left off. Fully taking over definitely forced me to embrace flexibility.