Email of the Month

In the world of Elementary Education at University of Illinois, the day one finds out their placement for their last semester is a big deal to say the least. Everyone anxiously awaits the email that will be sent. I hate to admit it, but when I received mine, I scrolled right until I found my cooperating teacher’s name, the grade level I would be working with, and the school. I took it that all in, and then went back and decided to read the rest of the email. I couldn’t wait to email my future co-op. A multitude of questions rushed through my head: What is she like? How long has she been teaching? What does her classroom look like? Will we get along? Will we be compatible just like I am with my cooperating teacher now? Somewhere in the stream of questions, I finally decided to sent an email introducing myself and establishing a time to meet in the near future. No more time pondering questions I would soon be able to figure out the answers to. Soon enough, I heard back from my future co-op only a couple hours later and I began looking forward to the day we scheduled the visit.


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