Savage English

“And thus far did Sir Anthony St. Leger proceed in the course of reformation, which though it were a good beginning, yet was it far from reducing Ireland to the perfect obedience of the Crown of England.”

The Reformation in Ireland was a movement for the reform of religious life that was driven by changes in government policy. However, government policy was not embraced by the public opinion. I love this quote because I think it summarizes the Irish and English relationship well. Although the Reformation did have positive outcomes, such as separation from Church control or the image of a supreme island nation for England. Yet, the great benefits of the Reformation came at the expense of angering the many non-Protestant followers. This ultimately resulted in revolts, rebellions, and uprisings. The Irish did not accept the Reformation without a fight. The part I like about this quote is that it highlights England’s failed attempt to have a smooth transformation of the Irish. I feel that many people who are unaware of English history believe that England was powerful and successful at colonization. Therefore, this quote really speaks the truth about how egotistic England was. Furthermore, it shows that England struggled to reform the Irish, which shows that the Irish were not as weak and “uncivilized” as people may have thought they were. The quote gives Ireland the recognition they deserve because they were an orderly community, in which people came together to stand up for what they believe. This contradicts what the English perceived them to be. On the other hand, it brings to light that the English are the more savagely cruel nation.





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