Research Data Service and Scholarly Commons

Research Data Service
The Research Data Service (RDS) was recently launched to provide the Illinois research community with the expertise, tools, and infrastructure necessary to manage and steward research data. We assist researchers in development and implementation data management plans, not only for the purpose of complying with the growing requirements for federally funded projects but also for continuity and efficiency within research groups. The RDS is also partnering with NCSA to develop storage infrastructure and solutions for making Illinois research data publically available.

Scholarly Commons
The Scholarly Commons is a space for expert, interdisciplinary research support services and open workshops for faculty and graduate students to develop skills in areas such as digital content creation, understanding copyright issues and author rights, and finding and working with geospatial and numeric data.

Find out more about the Research Data Service.

Contact the Research Data Service. 

Find out more about the Scholarly Commons.

Contact the Scholarly Commons.

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