February 26, 2015: Security Simulation Beta Test

Last Thursday members got a chance to test out one of the Academic Committee’s new Security Simulations. The simulation involved 5 member teams who represented the US, China, Brazil, Kenya and the African Union.

The situation was dire- a Brazilian employee of the African Union had been kidnapped in Kenya. The kidnappers- associated with Al Shabaab- were demanding 7 million US dollars for ransom. In the midst of this crisis the leaders of the United States, China, Brazil, Kenya and the African Union met to decide what to do.

Two separate groups faced the same simulation, but due to  differences in personality and the course of negotiation, both arrived at different solutions.



The academic committee is developing these simulations for implementation in local high schools. This beta test helped them work out some kinks in the process, and was a great opportunity for members to practice real time diplomatic skills.
