What Are Our Children Viewing?

Executive Summary

The media has made it very easy for children to take in different messages through the content that they put out. The messages and content may not be what is best for our children and for a prosperous society.

Introduction/ Why is this important?

Children are becoming more influenced by what the media is portraying then what their parents and teachers are trying to teach them. This is known as a concept called kinderculture.  A well-known example is Barbie. Little girls see Barbie and they think that they are supposed to look like her when in reality if Barbie was a real person, she would be sick because her measurements are impossible. Creating a media culture in which children are not being cultivated by the “norms” of society through media that are not so normal is vital. In society one of the main factor that media portrays is appearances. Media tells our little girls that they should be slim with big breasts and our little boys that they have to be muscular to be attractive. It is important that the media becomes more regulated because appearance is just one aspect of the detrimental factors to children and society.


  • 70% believe encouraging the media and advertisers to use more average sized people in their advertising campaigns would reduce or prevent eating disorders.
  • The incidence of bulimia in 10-39 year old women TRIPLED between 1988 and 1993
  • Over one-half of teenage girls and nearly one-third of teenage boys use unhealthy weight control behaviors such as skipping meals, fasting, smoking cigarettes, vomiting, and taking laxatives

What can be done?

The Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act was passed in 2005. This policy said that “Stations may be penalized $325,000 for airing “patently offensive” content (sexual or excretory words) between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m”. This policy needs to be reformed because there are a couple issues with it. One thing that needs to be changed is the fine amount. The big corporations like google for example will not be fazed by losing that amount of money. They make so much that they will air whatever, they want and pay the fine without a problem. The second thing that needs to done is a part that adds offensive messages. It is one thing to say that commercials can’t talk about the female’s breast, but showing a naked woman on a beer commercial is just as offensive.

You can help!

  • Advocate for this policy to be reformed
  • Educate your children through media literacy workshops which teach them how to evaluate and analyze media so they won’t become victims of it.


Children are becoming more familiar with social media and how to work the internet. Once they’re on the internet, they can just about find anything by typing it in the search engine. Also, a quick press of a button on the television remote could be the difference between what a child has been taught and what they are beginning to learn. It is apparent that media has a big influence on society as a whole, but the change can start with our children.