Mental Health Reform

            One in every four people will be affected by mental illness at some point in their lives. This issue is especially prevalent among college students in result of the pressures placed upon them such as the transition to adulthood, academics, and career planning. So, what is our country doing to combat this issue?

Why is it important?

Mental health is a huge issue within the United States and affects many people, not just college students. What makes this problem worse, is that these issues are often ignored and treated as insignificant. They often take a backseat to physical health conditions. Because of this, there is a stigma surrounding issues pertaining to mental health causing people to be more reluctant to seek help. In severe cases, this can even lead to suicide when people feel that their situation is hopeless. Not enough is currently being done to address this issue. It is important that the United States improve their mental health system so that more people get the help that they need and the stigma can be eliminated.

The Facts

The Mental Health Act of 2015 has been introduced to Congress in the hopes of improving the mental health system. This act will improve the enforcement of the Mental Health Parity Law, which states that health insurance must not be more restrictive or place more limitations on mental illness than it does on physical illness. This act will also increase mental health funding, increase early intervention, screening, and treatment, create more community-based care systems, and improve coordination among federal agencies working within the mental health field. It also supports anti-discriminatory policies towards individuals with mental illness who are seeking Medicaid services. Future measures will include better integration between the mental health system and the school system, and a policy to lower incarceration rates of people with mental illness.


As mental health issues continue to be a problem within the United States, mental health reform is crucial in helping people to get the help that they need. This act would increase the resources available to people as well as the quality of their care. More funding will be crucial in making these services available, but will be much worth it in the end. The United States must invest in not only the physical, but also in the mental and emotional well-being of its citizens. Passing this act could lead the way to getting more policies passed in the future that would improve the mental health system and create a healthier society. If you are feeling anxious or depressed, or are feeling like you may have another mental illness, do not hesitate to ask for help. Seek out family, friends, teachers, pastors, or counselors. Also, be there for others who may be experiencing these issues and encourage them to get help as well. In order to end the stigma, we have to encourage more open communication about mental health issues.

Here are some resources that may be helpful:

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

UIUC Counseling Center:

Find opportunities to volunteer at

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