Conversion Therapy Law in Illinois


A conversion therapy ban has been placed in Illinois by Governor Rauner, under which youth  are protected until age 18 from therapy that would “repair” children’s sexual orientation (EqualityIllinois, 2015). There is a need in other states for this ban to be implemented to protect youth around the country’s mental health and physical well-being.


Conversion therapy in regards to youth is implemented when a therapist has sessions with the young person to “treat” their sexual orientation to heterosexual (Chicago Tribune, 2015). Conversion therapy was being used on youth here in Illinois was damaging. Youths’ mental, physical and emotional health is affected by these therapy sessions because the sessions can be frightening and harmful. In these sessions, children were being molded to a sexual orientation that their caregivers, religion, etc. felt was better for them. It is not right in any way since the youth were not able to voice how they felt. Youth should be protected by laws in regards to their sexual orientation just as much as adults. By trying to convert these young people, it has led to much failure as well as sad situations. Conversion therapy sessions have triggered mental distress, causing suicidal behavior, depression, anxiety, and risky sexual behavior to rebel against what is being done to them (EqualityIllinois, 2015). The main goal of implementing this ban was to keep people safe from harmful therapy practices that have been proven more insufficient than successful. There has been research done and it has found that people are unlikely to change a person’s same-sex attractions or increase other attractions with conversion therapy ( 2015). Some quick statistics are highlighted below from San Francisco State University on the damage conversion therapy and rejection from loved ones does to youth.

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Approaches and Results:

This ban/law that has been implemented by the governor is in place at a time where LGBTQ rights are in the news a lot. Much of the public agrees with it, since it is intended to keep the youths’ mental health safe. This ban not only protects youth from conversion therapy, but it also makes it known that therapy services cannot advertise conversion therapy saying that homosexuality is a “mental disease, disorder or illness” (Time Magazine, 2015). With this ban implemented here in the state of Illinois, it is a move towards progress to help more people with protecting their mental health. More states should be moving towards this movement to keep our youth safe.


Children are not able to openly voice their opinion on things that they want. Protection of these individuals by implementing more policies and laws to keep the innocent ones safe is a good step forward. Hopefully, this ban is one of many to come in the future of this country to protect people from negative therapy practices. It has been shown that conversion therapy can lead to distressing results for people, which should not be ignored. The therapy appears to do more damage than anything, and the failure rate outranks any sort of “successful” results. There is no specific number at this time that can represent the failure rate at this time, there is still evaluations being done to figure out a number. But as stated before there is a lot of harm done to individuals well-being and safety that go through conversion therapy.

Recommendations/Call to action: 

  • The main recommendation would be for this ban to be upheld in the state of Illinois as well as to be implemented in other states.
  • This can be done by people voicing their support of a conversion therapy ban to their state representatives by calling, sending letters, etc.
  • See if others are willing to share their stories about conversion therapy for people to see a real life example of how anyone can be affected.
  • Support LGBTQ organizations by volunteering, donating, sponsoring, etc.

Websites for more information: