
ICS Printing

The unit I work in, Instructional Computing Services, offers a campus printing service. I develop and help maintain the various components of the system that enable users to print from anywhere, whether it be in our labs, campus housing, or their own laptops.

Podcast Producer

For several years I have been the service manager for the CITES Podcast Producer service. It is a media encoding system that runs on OS X 10.6. Students, faculty, and staff can submit media files to a workflow and it will add bumpers and re-encode the media for distribution to multiple platforms and devices.


I am part of a team that provide infrastructure, development, and technical support for the very site before you! But please, if you have a question, don’t email me directly. Send an email to


I help run the Badges @ Illinois pilot project, an OpenBadges Initiative compliant badge issuing platform. We are running a fork of the WPBadger project, and I periodically contribute improvements and bug fixes back to the main branch. If you have a question about Badges @ Illinois, please email