Donna Speaks- Dancer Blog about Linda’s Week

This week while working with Linda Lehovec, I truly believe we were all tested as both thinkers and movers. Until now, each choreographer has come into rehearsal and has, for the most part, not changed previous choreographers’ work. Each chunk taught to us has been added onto what we previously had learned—that is, until this week.

Linda entered her rehearsals wanting to both shape the piece while trying to make it a more cohesive work of art. This melting of movement styles and choreographic choices together was a very unique experience for me. I knew it would be challenging working with so many different kinds of choreographers, but it was much more manageable than I thought. Before now, I could simply jump from one idea to the next as we transitioned from one choreographer’s movement to another.

Now much more familiar with the material, we were challenged by Linda to meld it all together into one structured work of art. Pieces of choreography were completely changed or removed all together.  Allie’s high heels from the work were taken off, the interaction between the dancers in Phillip’s choreography section was changed, and essentially all verbal statements were edited out of the piece. There were also moments cut from one choreographer’s section and placed into another. This on top of learning new material from Linda, it’s needless to say it was a growing experience for all of us as aspiring professional dance