England’s Glorious Revolution

The Glorious Revolution of 1688-1689 seems to be one of the most influential time periods in English history.  It was during this time period that the Declaration of Rights would be issued which began the Bill of Rights in December of 1689. Interesting to note that the Bill of Rights in England would become a great factor in American colonists issuing the Declaration of Independence.  It was during this time period that England would take a different stance on foreign policy than in recent years.  William would declare on France in an attempt to contain the power of France.  Louis had no governing body to check his actions so his power in Europe was limitless.  Be declaring war on France William was attempting to contain the rule of Louis. France and the Netherlands were the biggest threats to England and William decided that he would declare war on France instead the Netherlands.  A different component in these years then in years past was the impact of money.  Usually money was a detrimental factor in England as it always seemed like England was always lacking financial resources.  Now with armies larger and wars longer money as the book describes, “provided the sinews of power.”  Manufacturing industries would make strides with the overthrow of James II by William and Mary.  Not surprisingly the Church played a large role during this time period in the everyday lives of the English population.  During the revolution power would be shifted within the Church of England.  England’s Glorious Revolution had a major impact on the future of England.

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