Image from http://2016.ifla.org/
U of I librarians will be participating in the 2016 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions World Library and Information Congress (IFLA WLIC) and various IFLA WLIC satellite conferences this month. IFLA WLIC will take place in Columbus, Ohio on August 13-19. Their involvement includes presentations, work on committees, and organization of satellite conference events. IFLA WLIC will also include a special celebration for the 25th anniversary of The Mortenson Center for International Library Programs.
Presentations at IFLA events include the following:
[Names in bold include University of Illinois Library faculty, academic professionals, and graduate assistants presenting with library faculty members. Presentations are in schedule order.]
IFLA Art Libraries Section Satellite, The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, August 9-11
- Melanie Emerson. “A Creative Force in the Art Library.” Closing Remarks. Wednesday, August 10, 10:30AM-12:00PM.
Document Delivery & Resource Sharing Pre-Conference Satellite Meeting, Library of Congress, Washington DC, August 10-11
- Joe Lenkart. “National Bibliographies and International Resource Sharing.” Contributed Paper. Wednesday, August 10, Session 2, 1:30PM-2:30PM.
Classification & Indexing Satellite Conference, State Library of Ohio, Columbus, Ohio, August 11-12
- Myung-Ja (MJ) K. Han, Patrick Harrington, Andrea Black, and Deren Kudeki. “Aligning Author-Supplied Keywords for ETDs with Domain-Specific Controlled Vocabularies.” Contributed Paper. Friday, August 12, 9:00AM-12:00PM.
IFLA WLIC, Columbus, Ohio, August 13-19
- Clara Chu, Rebecca McGuire, and Susan Schnuer. “Libraries Promoting Peace: An International Resource and Call for Action.” Poster Session. Monday, August 15 and Tuesday, August 16, 12:00PM-2:00PM.
- Clara Chu and Michael Seadle. “IFLA Presentation on Published Titles 2016-IFLA/DeGruyter Publications: Educating the Profession: 40 Years of the IFLA Section on Education and Training.” Presentation Session. Monday, August 15, 1:00PM-1:45PM.
- Kit Condill. “Magnetic Needles, Burning Haystacks: Approaches to Web-Archiving a Multiethnic Conflict Zone in Russia’s North Caucasus.” Monday, August 15, Session 090, 9:00AM-4:30PM.
- Steve Witt. “How to Get Published Briefing.” Panel Session. Tuesday, August 16, Session 126a, 10:30AM-11:30AM.
- Rebecca McGuire and Ida Kelemen. “Learning from Others: Peer Training Best Practices.” Interactive Discussion. Wednesday, August 17, Session 204, 8:30AM-10:30AM.
- Susan Schnuer. “Learning Together: When Experts from Developed Libraries Work with Developing Countries, Everyone Learns and Everyone Teaches.” Interactive Discussion. Wednesday, August 17, Session 204, 8:30AM-10:30AM.
- Namutenya Hamwaalwa, Rebecca M. Teasdale, Teopolina Shuumbili, Rebecca McGuire. “Promoting Innovation in Namibian Libraries through Leadership Training.” Contributed Paper. Wednesday, August 17, Session 189, 1:45PM-3:45PM.
In addition to presenting, librarians will also be attending the meetings in a variety of professional services roles:
- Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Member, Information Literacy Section Committee
- Lynn Wiley, member, Acquisitions and Collection Development Section Committee
- Susan Schnuer, member, Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section Committee.
- Mary Laskowski, Information Coordinator, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section Committee
- Lynne Rudasill, Social Science Libraries Section Committee
- Clara Chu, member, Education and Training Section Committee
- Clara Chu, co-chair of IFLA Satellite Meeting on International Quality Assessment of LIS Education Programs
- Beth Sandore Namachchivaya, member, of the IFLA Satellite Meeting on International Quality Assessment of LIS Education Programs Organizing Committee
- Joe Lenkart, member, Document Delivery & Resource Sharing Standing Committee
Finally, the U of I library will be celebrating a special occasion at this year’s IFLA Conference. The Mortenson Center for International Library Programs will be holding a 25th anniversary celebration at IFLA WLIC at the Exhibition Opening Party on Sunday, August 14 from 4:00PM-6:00PM in Exhibition Hall. If you are attending, please join in the fun for cupcakes, drinks, and your own Mortenson Center flashing LED bracelet!