As a student I find things easier to understand and pay attention too if I am interested. So, for this booth I think it is important that we do our best too spark the interest of our visitors. That is what I have tried to do with my video, I want to draw the viewer in with an explanation of our fun adventures and then follow up with the main topic of our trip: agriculture. With this in mind I want to explain how I want the booth to be set up. First of all I want big Puerto Rican and University of Illinois flags hanging above our booth and carnival barkers spread out in front of the booth attracting visitors. Once we have visitors I envision the booth being a three part tour. The first two sections being virtual tours of our adventures in El Yunque and our snorkeling trip. I want to use all the footage we have of our trip and monitors to make it seem as though they were on the trip with us. The final part of the booth is a crash course of Illinois and Puerto Rican agriculture. We are going to use pictures and facts we learned from the different farms and have a little quiz game at the end of the booth to give the participants a chance to win a small prize. I plan to make this booth a huge success and hope that people of all ages can enjoy.
Brady, I liked how your video talked to the audience as though we were at Explore Open House and took us through the trip. It is important to think about the dialogue that we will have with our audience and to present information in a fun understandable way. I also liked your props- the shirt, sunglasses, and coffee- they made the video fun and interesting. Your emphasis on making the booth noticeable with flags is important to drawing attention to our booth. I like your idea of having only three parts to the booth so that we can focus our discussion and really make those parts high quality.