LAS International Leadership and Advisory Council (LILAC)

LAS International Leadership and Advisory Council (LILAC) is a group of LAS students who work with the LAS International Specialist and Graduate Teaching Assistants regarding international programs and events in the college and around the campus. LILAC is composed of three committees: the International Freshman Pre-course Committee, the Integration and Orientation Committee, and the Study Abroad Committee. The Council application is opened in late October to all LAS undergraduate students. Members will be selected and notified by the end of fall semester. The Council will meet monthly in the Spring semester, and committees may have more frequent meetings based on need. Students involved will have the chance to gain valuable leadership and teamwork experience as well as a great opportunity to serve in campus International events. Joining LILAC will encourage students to explore their potentiality in the globalized society and improve intercultural communication ability by working with faculty members, graduate students, and other undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds. The application deadline is November 7th, 2014.

To Apply