Since 9-11 much has been reported in mainstream U.S. media about Islam, but those reports often focus on so-called “Arab Islamic terrorists”. The stories fail to capture or educate the public about the range of Muslim societies.
To deepen their understanding of Islam, and the diversity of Muslim societies, nine University of Illinois journalism students have been learning about Islam since January 2012, and talking with Muslims from various countries now living and studying in Champaign-Urbana.
Under the guidance of Journalism Professor Nancy Benson the students are taking what they have learned on the road. Reporting from Turkey, a secular Muslim country of 75 million people, the students are exploring a wide variety of issues with the goal of better educating the American public. Join us as we travel Turkey – long known as the bridge between the West and the Middle East.
In heading this project, Benson will be assisted by former CNN Pakistan Bureau Chief Ash-Har Quraishi and Susanne Fowler an Editor and contributing reporter to the International Herald Tribune and
Quraishi is a University of Illinois journalism graduate, who was responsible for the network’s coverage of Pakistan and the region
Fowler, who commutes frequently between Paris and Istanbul, is a former Editor at the Chicago Tribune. She moved to Turkey when she was awarded a Knight Fellowship to create and teach journalism courses at Bilgi and Bogazici Universities in Istanbul.