Undergraduate Independent Study Projects
- Zonghe Chua, “Affordable Electrogoniometer for Rehabilitative Gait Analysis”, May 2015 (submitted to Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference, June 17-20, 2015, Snowbird Resort, Utah)
- Kevin Kibler, “Implementing bath lift for person with cerebral palsy”, co-advised by Yih-Kuen Jan (Kinesiology and Community Health), May 2015
- Emily Matijevich, “Kinematic Compensation to Increased Ankle Stiffness During Gait”, May 2014, “Measuring Changes in Gait Variability in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis while wearing Pneumatically Powered Ankle Foot Orthosis”, May 2015
- Grace Deetjen, “Duration of Exertion and SCBA Design Affect Firefighter Balance”, May 2014
- Kathleen Neville, “Design and Testing of a Portable Ankle Angle Capture Device (PAAC)”, May 2014
- Emily Matijevich, “Kinematic Compensation to Increased Ankle Stiffness During Gait”, May 2014
- Joshua Kim, “Investigation of Beaglebone Black”, December 2013
- Lela DiMonte, “Differences in Firefighter Fatigue Protocols as Measured by a Functional Balance Obstacle Course”, May 2013
- Julian Sy, “Assessing gait changes in firefighters due to fatigue and asymmetrical load carriage” December 2012
- Michael Angelini, “Effects of firefighter load carriage and fatigue on the utilized dynamic coefficient of friction during obstacle crossing”, December 2012
- Casey Barnash, “Study of Actuation Using Worm Gear and Pneumatic Motor”, August 2012.
- Stephen Braun, “Chainless Challenge Report”, May 2012.
- LeeAnn Monahan, “Design of a Life-Cycle Testing System for Manual Wheelchairs”, May 2011.
- Mei Kuen (Iris) Hsu, “Electromyographic study of canine gait in Labrador Retrievers”, May 2010.
- Sara Neitzke, “Analysis of center of pressure and knee angle during standing balance of Tai Chi practitioners”, May 2010.
- Joel Gilmer, “Fluid powered ankle-foot-orthosis”, May 2009.
- Jason Thomas, “Air Cylinder Designs for Firefighter Gait and Balance Assessment Study”, May 2007.
- Vladimir Cabildo, “Motion and Force Data from the Canine Gait Cycle – II,” May 2006.
- Michael Kern, “Personality and Postural Responses to Affective Pictures”, May 2006
- Farooq Khan, “Three Dimensional Joint Angle Calculations for the Detection of Gait Asymmetries”, May 2006.
- Laura Gerke, “Motion and Force Data from the Canine Gait Cycle,” December 2005.
- Scott Block, “A Hand Study: Development of an Inexpensive Data Glove,” May 2005.
- James Jackson Potter, “Analysis of Quiet Standing Stance Width and its Effect on Balance Parameters throughout Pregnancy up to Delivery,” January 2005.
- Todd Mayer, “GUI Modification of MATLAB code for Pregnancy Project,” December 2004.
- Kathy Wingate, “Biomechanics of Object Crossing Landings,” September 2004.
- Nicholas Wills, “The Relationship between Back Pain and Stability throughout Pregnancy and up to Six Months Postpartum,” August 2004.
- Susan Shah, “Variations in Balance and Postural Control throughout Pregnancy and up to Six Months Postpartum,” May 2004.
- Kurt Beschorner, “An Analysis of the Effect of Approach Distance on the Maximum Foot-Obstacle Clearance of the Elderly During Obstacle Crossing,” May 2004.
- Abner Satterthwaite-Phillps, “Postural stability of humans during quiet stance and when startled,” December 2002.