Tradition in St.Edmunds

“The air grew thick with complaints, lies were invented, slander was added to slander, and no corner of the monastery was free from the sound of poisonous whisperings. One man said to another, ‘What on earth has happened? Whoever saw the like? … Look at how the abbot has appointed a clerk over a monk!” (p. 70-71)

This quote demonstrates the rigidity of the social structure and value of tradition in the Abbey. Even a man as respected as Samson is ridiculed and slandered behind his back because he chose to do something that is not totally in line with the customary procedure. It’s interesting how they don’t discuss the possible merits of the solution or how the clerk may be deserving of the role, instead devolving into a storm of complaints. Obviously the Church is not known for being quick to take to change but for even such a small thing to set off such a large reaction is surprising to me. It almost seems like the abbey is functioning like a group of children who didn’t get what they wanted.

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