Finnabair and Mebd

The description for both Mebd and Finnabair is pretty interesting within the Tain. On one hand, Finnabair is always used as a reward for the men that fight Cu Chulain. Even he describes her as ” [t]he girl who was sworn to fifty soldiers. . .” This was compared to Mebd, which was described by Cethern as “This tall, good-looking woman came at me. She had a fine, long face and a head of yellow hair. There were two gold birds on her shoulders. She wore a dark purple hooded cloak. There were five handfuls of gold on her back. A keen-edged javelin blazed in one hand, and she held an iron sword aloft in her proud fist. She cut a striking figure. She’s the one who first wounded me.” This co.parison between the two women shows how sometimes power comes I to play. Finnabair has little power in her current position but her mother has a ton.

One thought on “Finnabair and Mebd

  1. I also found this to be quite interesting. The story has two women that it mentions consistently throughout and they are polar opposites in their roles. Finnabair appears to fit more of the ‘stereotypical expectation’ of women during the time period. She doesn’t have much of an opinion and seems to do whatever she’s told to do without objection. Medb is quite the opposite and appears to defy this stereotype.

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