Hidden Brain — Hook-up Culture

FEBRUARY 14, 2017

Episode 61: Just Sex

We all know casual sex isn’t about love. But what if it’s not even about lust? Sociologist Lisa Wade believes the pervasive hookup culture on campuses today is different from that faced by previous generations. This week on Hidden Brain, we explore what this culture means for those who choose to participate, and for those who opt out.

Link to Hidden Brain.

Premarital Experiences & Marital Quality

In this report, researchers consider the following questions:

1.  What happens when Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas?  How do our past experiences, especially when it comes to love, sex, and children,linked to our future marital quality?

2. Some couples slide through major relationship transitions, while others make intentional decisions about moving through them. What does this mean for the couples?

3. How do choices about weddings say something about the quality of marriages?