Proctor Needed

Seeking an undergrad (or maybe two to help staff the hours as one person may not be available the time we need) that we can hire to be a “grader/proctor” for our conflict exams?  They will not have to grade the exams, just proctor them.  When there are no exams to proctor, we will have them help with filing.  They will be hired in our grader status role, however.  Here are the days and hours they would need to be available.  We will pay $8.50.

Thursday Morning –  8 a.m. – noon

Friday – 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


Rhonda McElroy

Assistant Director of CS Graduate Programs

(217) 244-2745

Department of Computer Science @ Illinois

1224 Siebel Center, MC-258

201 North Goodwin

Urbana, IL  61801