Service-Learning Courses Available

Enroll in ENG 315: LINC-Learning in Community, Section 58617 Click on ISG: Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program

Keep Contaminants out of our Waterways! Spread the word about not flushing unwanted medicines 

You can make a difference through one or more of these LINC-Sea Grant projects:

• Organize a single day medicine collection event in collaboration with healthcare organizations and other partners to educate the public

• Work with a local police department to establish a permanent medicine collection site in our community

• Visit area veterinary clinics to help share disposal messages with their clients • Work with membrane processing experts to develop ways to remove pharmaceuticals from wastewater

• Start a service-learning project with area high school students to encourage community action

• Create a local media blitz to get the word out about this critical issue

Contact: Robin Goettel, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program Email: or Ph: 333-9448


Welcome to the fall semester!  Are you looking for a class with meaningful work experienceSign up for ENG315 Section:CMS.

In this class you will get to work as a member of a “consulting” team for Campus for Middle School Girls to develop and implement an online math curriculum.  CMS is an independent not for profit school on the UIUC campus that offers rigorous courses for middle school girls with a special emphasis on promoting girls’ interest in STEM fields.  For more information visit or email Jessie at

There are no prerequisites, you earn 3 credit hours, there are no exams, and you learn real-world project and teamwork skills.  ENG315 is open to all students, any major (NOT just engineers), and any level (first year through grad student).  If you have friends who might be interested, encourage them to enroll.  ENG315 also counts as an elective for the Leadership Studies Minor.

To learn more about LINC, see our “What is LINC?” video on YouTube:  or visit for more info and descriptions of other projects.

Hope to see you on the first day of class!