
  • Honnne and Tatemae

图片2The most Japanese people have a social behavior which is called “Honne and Tatemae,” and this is not something they can acquire from their school education. It would be considered as a national characteristic of Japanese people. Especially in the Japanese society, “Honne and Tatemae” has always been an essential part of communications. “Honne” is defined as someone’s true feelings, and “Tatemae” is defined as a behavior which people actually show in public or an opinion which people actually say in public. Below is a video that may help you understand the two concepts better!

Further reading:

Honne and Tatemae: Two Things that you need to know to understand how the Japanese mind works

The Honesty and Facade of Honne and Tatemae


  • Group-oriented Culture

Unlike the American individualism, Japanese people tend to avoid being alone in public or behaving differently from others do. There are several considerable stories, such as geography, history, and culture, behind this group-oriented culture.

The Group-oriented Japanese

Uchi-Soto and Japanese Culture