The advanced diagnostic capabilities and combined experience of the Illinois and Ohio State teams will provide our principal validation data, but the full scale jet-in-crossflow prediction target and physics-specific small-scale experiments. Special techniques, several of which have been pioneered by members of our team, are available for measuring key aspects of the plasma-coupled combustion.
As part of their development and evaluation, measurement uncertainty estimates have been made, which will be invaluable in forming our uncertainty predictions. The physics-targeted experiment in particular will be designed through close interaction between the simulation/modeling teams.
Advanced diagnostic techniques will include Particle-Image Velocimetry (PIV) with full error characterization, temperature and vibration level populations using spec, rotationally resolved CARS, absolute concentrations of O, H, and N atoms using Two-Photon Absorption LIF (TALIF), temporally (~1 nsec) and spatially (~100 um) resolve E-field using 4-wave mixing, rotational and vibrational temperatures measurements from emission spectra, and temporally (~10 nsec) and spatially (~100 um) resolved electron density using Thompson scattering.