- David Simchi-Levi, Xin Chen and Julien Bramel. 2014. The Logic of Logistics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications for Logistics Management (Third Edition 2014, Second Edition 2005), Springer-Verlag, New York.
- Xin Chen and Menglong Li. 2020. S-Convexity and Gross Substitutability. Operations Research, accepted. (SSRN)
- Xin Chen, Jiachun Li, Menglong Li, Tiancheng Zhao and Yuan Zhou. 2022. Assortment Optimization Under the Multivariate MNL Model. (SSRN)
- Xin Chen, Niao He, Yifan Hu and Zikun Ye. 2022. Efficient Algorithms for Minimizing Compositions of Convex Functions and Random Functions and Its Applications in Network Revenue Management. (SSRN, arXiv)
- Ebrahim Arian, Xin Chen and Menglong Li. 2022. Decentralized Pricing and Capacitated Assortment Planning in an Online Marketplace. (SSRN)
- Xin Chen, Peng Hu and Zhenyu Hu. 2021. Joint Pricing and Inventory Decisions. (SSRN)
- Xiangyu Gao, Xin Chen and Ying-Ju Chen. 2022. Dynamic Pricing with Time-Inconsistent Consumers. (SSRN)
- Zikun Ye, Dennis Zhang, Heng Zhang, Renyu Zhang, Xin Chen and Zhiwei Xu. 2022. Cold Start to Improve Market Thickness on Online Advertising Platforms: Data-Driven Algorithms and Field Experiments. Management Science, accepted. (SSRN)
- Yifan Hu, Xin Chen and Niao He. 2021. On the Bias-Variance-Cost Tradeoff of Stochastic Optimization. NeurIPS 2021 (pdf file).
- Xin Chen and Menglong Li. 2020. M-Natural-Convexity and Its Applications in Operations. Operations Research, accepted. (SSRN, OR version)
- Xin Chen, Zhuoyu Long and Jin Qi. 2021. Preservation of Supermodularity in Parametric Optimization: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions on Constraint Structures. Operations Research, 69(1), 1-12. (pdf file, https://doi.org/10.1287/opre.2020.1992)
- Xin Chen and Boris Pittel. 2021. On sparsity of the solution to a random quadratic optimization problem. Mathematical Programming, 186, 309-336. (pdf file, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10107-019-01456-2)
- Xin Chen and Menglong Li. 2021. Discrete Convex Analysis and Its Applications in Operations: A Survey. Production and Operations Management, 30(6), 1904-1926. (SSRN, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/poms.13234)
- Xingyu Bai, Xin Chen and Alexander Stolyar. 2021. Average Cost Optimality in Partially Observed Lost-Sales Inventory Systems. Operations Research, accepted. (SSRN)
- Reza Yousefi Maragheh, Xin Chen, James Davis, Jason Cho, Sushant Kumar. 2021. Choice Modeling and Assortment Optimization in the Presence of Context Effects. (SSRN)
- Xin Chen, Menglong Li, David Simchi-Levi and Tiancheng Zhao. 2020. Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccines under Limited Supply. (SSRN, medRXiv)
- Xingyu Bai, Xin Chen, Menglong Li and Alexander Stolyar. 2020. Asymptotic Optimality of Semi-Open-Loop Policies in Markov Decision Processes with Large Lead Times. (SSRN)
- Xin Chen, Alexander Stolyar and Linwei Xin. 2019. Asymptotic optimality of constant-order policies in joint pricing and inventory control models. (SSRN)
- Yifan Hu, Siqi Zhang, Xin Chen and Niao He. 2020. Biased Stochastic Gradient Descent for Conditional Stochastic Optimization. NeurIPS 2020. (pdf file)
- Bin Cao, Xin Chen, T. C. Edwin Cheng, Yuan-Guang Zhong and Yong-Wu Zhou. 2020. Inventory and Financial Strategies with Capital Constraints and Limited Joint Liability. Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management: Vol. 14: No. 1–2, pp 44-59. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/0200000096-3)
- Yifan Hu, Xin Chen and Niao He. 2020. Sample Complexity of Sample Average Approximation for Conditional Stochastic Optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 30(3), 2103–2133. (paper)
- Xin Chen, Xiangyu Gao, Zhenyu Hu and Qiong Wang. 2019. Population Monotonicity in Newsvendor Games. Management Science, 65(5), 2142–2160. (SSRN, https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/mnsc.2018.3053)
- Xin Chen, Zhenyu Hu and Yuhan Zhang. 2019. Dynamic Pricing with Stochastic Reference Price Effect. Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 7(1): 107-125. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen and Xiangyu Gao. 2018. Stochastic Optimization with Decisions Truncated by Positively Dependent Random Variables. Operations Research, 67(5):1321-1327. (https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/10.1287/opre.2018.1815)
- Xin Chen, Xiangyu Gao and Zhan Pang. 2018. Preservation of Structural Properties in Optimization with Decisions Truncated by Random Variables and Its Applications. Operations Research, 66(2), 340-357. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen. 2017. Operational Hedging through Dual-Sourcing under Capacity Uncertainty. Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management: Vol. 11: No. 1-2, pp 46-64. (pdf, http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/0200000078)
- Xin Chen. 2017. L-Natural-Convexity and Its Applications. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 4(3), 283-294. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Zhenyu Hu and Shuanglong Wang. 2017. Stable Risk Sharing and Its Monotonicity. (SSRN)
- Xin Chen, Peng Hu and Zhenyu Hu. 2017. Efficient Algorithms for Dynamic Pricing Problem with Reference Price Effect. Management Science, 63(12), 4389 – 4408. (pdf file, https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2016.2554)
- Xin Chen and Jiawei Zhang. 2016. Duality Approaches to Economic Lot-Sizing Games. Production and Operations Management, 25(7), 1203–1215. (pdf file)
- Zhenyu Hu, Xin Chen and Peng Hu. 2016. Dynamic Pricing with Gain-Seeking Reference Price Effects. Operations Research, 64(1), 150-157. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Peng Hu, Stephen Shum and Yuhan Zhang. 2016. Dynamic Stochastic Inventory Management with Reference Price Effects. Operations Research, 64(6), 1529–1536. (pdf file, https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/pdf/10.1287/opre.2016.1524)
- Yueshan Yu, Xin Chen and Fuqiang Zhang. 2015. Dynamic Capacity Management with General Upgrading. Operations Research, 63(6), 1372–1389. (pdf file, OR version)
- Xin Chen and Jiming Peng. 2015. New Analysis on Sparse Solutions to Random Standard Quadratic Optimization Problems and Extensions. Mathematics of Operations Research, 40(3), 725 – 738. (pdf file)
- Limeng Pan, Mashor Housh, Pan Liu, Ximing Cai, and Xin Chen. 2015. Robust Stochastic Optimization for Reservoir Operation. Water Resource Research, 51(1), 409-429. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Xiangyu Gao and Zhenyu Hu. 2015. A New Approach to Two-Location Joint Inventory and Transshipment Control via L-Natural-Convexity. Operations Research Letters, 43(1), 65-68. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Zhan Pang and Limeng Pan. 2014. Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies for Perishable Products. Operations Research, 62(2):284-300. (pdf file, e-companion)
- Xin Chen, Stephen Shum and David Simchi-Levi. 2014. Stable and Coordinating Contracts for a Supply Chain with Multiple Risk-Averse Suppliers. Production and Operations Management, 23 (3), 379-392. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen and Chung-Piaw Teo. 2013. Sparse Solutions to Complex Models. Informs Tutorials in Operations Research 2013.(pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Peng Hu and Simai He. 2013. Preservation of Supermodularity in Parametric Optimization Problems with Nonlattice Structures. Operations Research,61(5), 1166-1173. (OR version)
- Xin Chen and Zhisong Chen. 2013. Cost Allocation in Capacity Investment Game. Naval Research Logistics, 60(6), 512-523. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Jiming Peng and Shuzhong Zhang. 2013. Sparse Solutions to the Standard Quadratic Programming with Random Matrices. Mathematical Programming, 141, 273–293.(pdf file)
- Xin Chen and Peng Hu. 2012. Joint pricing and inventory management with deterministic demand and costly price adjustment. Operations Research Letters, 40, 385-389.(pdf file)
- Xin Chen and Peng Sun. 2012. Optimal Structural Policies for Ambiguity and Risk Averse Inventory and Pricing Models. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 50(1), 133-146.(pdf file)
- Xin Chen and David Simchi-Levi. 2012. Pricing and Inventory Management. The Oxford Handbook of Pricing Management, eds. R. Philips and O. Ozalp, Oxford University Press, 784-822.(pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Sean Zhou and Frank Chen. 2011. Integration of Inventory and Pricing Decisions with Costly Price Adjustments. Operations Research, 59(5), 1144-1158.(pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Sean Zhou and Yuhan Zhang. 2010. Preservation of Quasi-K-Concavity and Its Application to Joint Inventory-Pricing Models with Concave Ordering Costs. Operations Research, 58(4-part-1), 1012-1016.(pdf file, e-companion)
- Xin Chen. 2009. Inventory Centralization Games with Price-Dependent Demand and Quantity Discount. Operations Research, 57(6), 1394-1406.(pdf file)
- Xin Chen and Yuhan Zhang. 2009. Uncertain Linear Programs: Extended Affinely Adjustable Robust Counterparts. Operations Research, 57(6), 1469-1482.(pdf file)
- Xin Chen and Jiawei Zhang. 2009. A Stochastic Programming Approach to Inventory Centralization Games. Operations Research, 57(4), 840-851.(pdf file)
- Xin Chen and David Simchi-Levi. 2009. A New Approach for the Stochastic Cash Balance Problem with Fixed Costs. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 23, 545-562.(pdf file)
- Jei-Shan Chen, Xin Chen, Shaohua Pan and Jiawei Zhang. 2009. Some Characterizations for SOC-Monotone and SOC-Convex Functions. Journal of Global Optimization, 45(2), pp. 259-279.(pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Melvyn Sim, Peng Sun and Jiawei Zhang. 2008. A Linear-Decision Based Approximation Approach to Stochastic Programming. Operations Research, 56(2), 344-357. (old version, new version)
- Xin Chen, Chung-Lun Li, Byong-Duk Rhee and David Simchi-Levi. 2007. The Impact of Manufacturer Rebates on Supply Chain Profits. Naval Research Logistics, 54(6), pp. 667-680. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Melvyn Sim and Peng Sun. 2007. A Robust Optimization Perspective to Stochastic Programming. Operations Research, 55(6), pp. 1058- 1071.(pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Melvyn Sim, David Simchi-Levi and Peng Sun. 2007. Risk Aversion in Inventory Management. Operations Research, 55(5), pp. 828-842. (old_version, new version)
- Xin Chen and Houduo Qi. 2006. Cartesian P-property and Its Applications to the Semidefinite Linear Complementarity Problem. Mathematical Programming Ser. A., 106, pp. 177-201. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen and David Simchi-Levi. 2006. Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies with Random Demand and Fixed Ordering Cost: The Continuous Review Model. Operations Research Letters, 34, pp. 323-332. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen. 2003. Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies with Random Demand and Fixed Ordering Cost: Extended Abstract. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 5(1), , pp. 59-62. (pdf file, pdf file)
- Jein-Shan Chen, Xin Chen and Paul Tseng. 2004. Analysis of Nonsmooth Vector-Valued Functions Associated with Second-Order Cones. Mathematical Programming Ser. B, 101, pp. 95-117. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen and David Simchi-Levi. 2004. Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies with Random Demand and Fixed Ordering Cost: The Infinite Horizon Case. Mathematics of Operations Research, 29 (3), pp. 698-723. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen and David Simchi-Levi. 2004 Coordinating Inventory Control and Pricing Strategies with Random Demand and Fixed Ordering Cost: The Finite Horizon Case. Operations Research, 52 (6), pp. 887-896. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Houduo Qi, Liqun Qi and Kok-Lay Teo. 2004. Smooth Convex Approximation to the Maximum Eigenvalue Function. Journal on Global Optimization, 30, pp. 253-270. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Houduo Qi, and Paul Tseng. 2003. Analysis of Nonsmooth Symmetric-Matrix-Valued Functions with Applications to Semidefinite Complementarity Problems. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 13, pp. 960-985. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen and Paul Tseng. 2003. Non-interior continuation methods for solving semidefinite complementarity problems. Mathematical Programming Ser. A, 95 (3), pp.431-474. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen, Kurt Anstreicher, Henry Wolkowicz and Ya-xiang Yuan. 1999. Strong duality for a trust-region type relaxation of the quadratic assignment problem. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 301, pp. 121-136. (pdf file)
- Xin Chen and Ya-xiang Yuan. 1999. A note on quadratic forms. Mathematical Programming, 86, pp. 187-197. (pdf file)