Editorial calls on Wisconsin to follow Illinois’ strategy regarding CWD

Areas in Illinois and Wisconsin with chronic wasting disease detected over fiscal year 2003–2012. Orange areas are counties in Illinois and red areas are Wisconsin deer management units that were included in prevalence calculations. (Manjerovic et al. 2013).

CHAMPAIGN, IL – Research findings by INHS Wildlife Epidemiologists Mary Beth Manjerovic, Michelle L. Greena, Nohra Mateus-Pinilla and University of Illinois colleague Jan Novakofski were referenced in an editorial in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Their research, found that after Wisconsin discontinued culling deer populations with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), the prevalence of CWD in Wisconsin had an average annual increase of 0.63%. During that same time period, Illinois continued government culling and there was no change in prevalence throughout Illinois.

Read the whole story at the Illinois Natural History Survey blog.