Feeding the World in 2050!
Our lab is composed of undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral fellow and visiting scientists. Over the years we have had personnel from the USA, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, China, Korea, France, Sri Lanka, India, Libya, Rwanda, Serbia, Puerto Rico, South Africa, Egypt, and Panama. We have also welcomed the best and brightest from Illinois, the Midwest and the 50 states. The research and training experiences are enriched by the diversity of the people. We are currently involved in collaborative research projects in Panama, the Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka and in South Africa, Nigeria and Tanzania. These international experiences add to the research opportunities for the students and staff. The main goal of our group is improve animal agriculture by using all the tools of modern biotechnology to produce more abundant and safer food for the world. Feeding the hungry in the developing world is a specific focus of our group and our research.