Acero, J.S., M.L. Chu, N.J. Shipley, C.J. van Riper, W.P. Stewart, W.P., C.D. Suski. 2022. A decision-making framework for evaluating environmental tradeoffs in enhancing ecosystem services across complex agricultural landscapes. J. Environ. Manage. Volume 314, 2022, 115077.
Lee, S., M.L. Chu, J.A. Guzman, D.C. Flanagan (2022). Modeling soil erodibility and critical shear stress parameters for soil loss estimation. Soil & Tillage Research, 218, 105292.
Acero Triana, J.S., M.L. Chu, Stein, J.A. 2021. Assessing the impacts of agricultural conservation practices on freshwater biodiversity under changing climate. Ecol. Model. Volume 453, 2021, 109604.
Knouft, J. H., A. Botero-Acosta, C.L. Wu, B. Charry, M.L. Chu, A. Dell, I., … & S.J. Herrington, (2021). Forested riparian buffers as climate adaptation tools for management of riverine flow and thermal regimes: A case study in the Meramec River Basin. Sustainability, 13(4), 1877
Lee, S., M.L. Chu, J.A. Guzman. 2021. Sediment fate and transport: Influence of sediment source and rainfall. J. Hydrol. 125980
Lee, S., M.L. Chu, J.A. Guzman, A. Botero-Acosta, 2021. A comprehensive modeling framework to evaluate soil erosion by water and tillage. J. Environ. Manage. 111631.
Wu, C. L., S.J Herrington, B. Charry, M.L. Chu, J.H. Knouft (2021). Assessing the potential of riparian reforestation to facilitate watershed climate adaptation. Journal of Environmental Management, 277, 111431
Hou, C. M.L. Chu, A. Botero-Acosta, J.A. Guzman. 2020. Modeling field scale nitrogen non-point source pollution (NPS) fate and transport: Influences from land management practices and climate. Science of the Total Environment, 143502
Li, Z., M.L. Chu, L. Gentry, Y. Li, C. Mitchell, Y. Arai. (2020). Passive Detection of Phosphorus in Agricultural Tile Waters Using Reactive Hybrid Anion Exchange Resins. Water, 12(10), 2808
Shipley, N., D.N. Johnson, C.J. van Riper, W.P. Stewart, M.L.Chu, C.D. Suski, J.A. Stein, J.J. Shew. 2020. A deliberative research approach to valuing agro-ecosystem services in a worked landscape. Ecosystem Services Volume 42, April 2020, 101083
Acero Triana, J.S., M.L. Chu, J.A. Guzman, D.N. Moriasi, J.L. Steiner. 2020. Evaluating the Risks of Groundwater Extraction in an Agricultural Landscape under Different Climate Projections. Water 2020, 12, 400; doi:10.3390/w12020400
Lee, S., M.L. Chu, A.R. Schmidt. 2020. Effective Green-Ampt parameters for two-layered soils. J. Hydrol. Eng. 2020, 25(4): 04020004
Botero-Acosta, A., M.L. Chu, C. Huang. 2019. Impacts of environmental stressors on nonpoint source pollution in intensively managed hydrologic systems. J Hydrol 579 (2019) 124056.
Acero Triana, J.S., M.L. Chu, J.A. Guzman, D.N. Moriasi, J.L. Steiner. 2019. Beyond model metrics: The perils of calibrating hydrologic models. J Hydrol 578 (2019) 124032.
Congyu, H., M.L. Chu, J.A. Guzman, J.S. Acero Tiana, D.N. Moriasi, J.L. Steiner. 2019. Field-scale nitrogen load in surface runoff: impacts of management practices and changing climate. J Environ Manage 249 (2019) 109327.
Resende, N., J. Miranda, R. Cooke, M.L. Chu, S. C. Chou. 2019. Impacts of regional climate change on the runoff and root water uptake in corn crops in Parana, Brazil. Agr Water Manage Vol. 22: 556-565.
Johnson, D., C. van Riper, M. L. Chu, S. Winkler-Schor. (2018). Comparing the social values of ecosystem services in US and Australian marine protected areas. Ecosystem Services 37: 1-11.
Krause, K., C. Wu, M. L. Chu, J.H. Knouft. 2018. Fish assemblage-environment relationships suggest differential trophic responses to heavy metal contamination. Freshwater Biology64: 632–642. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13248
Botero-Acosta, A., M. L. Chu, A. Stumpf. 2018. Impacts of environmental stressors on the water resources of intensively managed hydrologic systems. Hydrol Process. 2018; 32:2947–2962.
Chu, M.L., J.A. Guzman, M.B. Villamil. 2018. A Modeling Framework to Evaluate the Impacts of Future Climate on Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics. J Environ Qual. Vol. 47 No. 4, p. 596-606. doi:10.2134/jeq2017.07.0295.
Guzman, J.A., M.L., Chu, J.L. Steiner, P.J., Starks. Assessing and Quantifying Changes in Precipitation Patterns Using Event-Driven Analysis. 2018. J Hydrol Regional Studies 15: 1-15.
Botero-Acosta, A. M.L. Chu, J.A. Guzman, P. Starks, D. Moriasi, 2017. Riparian erosion vulnerability model based on environmental features. J Environ Manage 203: 592-602.
Prada, A.F., M. L. Chu, J. A. Guzman, D. Moriasi. 2017. Evaluating the impacts of agricultural land management practices on water resources: a probabilistic hydrologic modeling approach. J Environ Manage 193: 512-523.
Baffaut, C., S. M. Dabney, M. Smolen, M. A. Youssef, J. V. Bonta, M. L. Chu, J. A. Guzman, V. Shedekar, M. K. Jha, J. G. Arnold. 2015. Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling: Spatial and Temporal Considerations. Transactions of ASABE Vol. 58(6): 1661-1680
Guzman, J.A., A. Shirmohammadi, A. Sadeghi, X. Wang, M.L. Chu, M. K. Jha, P. B. Parajuli, D. Harmel, Y. Khare, J. Hernandez. 2015. Uncertainty Considerations in Calibration and Validation of Hydrologic and Water Quality Models. Transactions of ASABE Vol. 58(6): 1745-1762
Knouft, J.H., M.L. Chu. 2015. Using watershed-scale hydrological models to predict the impacts of urbanization on freshwater fish assemblages. Ecohydrology. 8: 273-285
Jordan, Y.C., A. Ghulam, M.L. Chu. 2014. Assessing the impacts of future urban developing patterns and climate changes on surface water quality using geoinformatics. J. Environ. Inform. Vol 24 No 2: 65-79.
J.A. Guzman, M.L. Chu, P.J. Starks, D.N. Moriasi, J.L. Steiner. 2014. Upper Washita River Experimental Watersheds: Data Screening Procedure for Data Quality Assurance. J. Environ. Qual. 43:1250–1261.
Chu, M.L., J.A. Guzman, R. Muñoz-Carpena, G.A. Kiker, I. Linkov. 2014b. Changes in beach habitat due to the combined effects of long-term sea level rise, storm erosion, and nourishment. Environ. Modell. Softw. 52(2014) 111-120
Convertino, M., R. Muñoz-Carpena, M.L. Chu-Agor, G.A. Kiker, I. Linkov. 2014b. Untangling Drivers of Species Distributions: Global Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analyses of MaxEnt. Environ. Modell. Softw. 51(2014) 296-309
Chu, M.L., A. Ghulam, J. H. Knouft, Z. Pan. 2014a. Exploring the trends and shifts in rainfall and runoff patterns: a hydrologic data screening procedure. J Am Water Resour As. DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12149 1-16
Pre-Illinois Publications:
Guzman, J.A., D.N. Moriasi, M.L. Chu, P.J. Starks, J.L. Steiner, P.H.Gowda. 2013. A tool for mapping and spatio-temporal analysis of hydrological data. Environ. Modell. Softw. 48: 163-170.
Linhoss, A.C., G.A. Kiker, M.E. Aiello-Lammens, M.L. Chu-Agor, M. Convertino, R. Muñoz-Carpena, R. Fischer, I. Linkov. 2013. Decision analysis for species preservation under sea-levl rise. Ecol. Model. 263: 264-272
Chu, M.L., J. H. Knouft, A. Ghulam, J.A. Guzman. Z. Pan. 2013. Impacts of urbanization on river flow variables: A controlled experiment modeling-based evaluation approach. J Hydrol 495:1-12.
Chu-Agor, M.L., R. Muñoz-Carpena, G.A. Kiker, M. Aiello-Lammens, R. Akçakaya, M. Convertino, I. Linkov. 2012. Simulating the fate of Florida Snowy Plovers with sea-level rise: exploring potential population management outcomes with a global uncertainty and sensitivity analysis perspective. Ecol. Model. 224(2012) 33-47.
Convertino, M., P. Welle, R. Muñoz-Carpena, G.A. Kiker, M.L. Chu-Agor, R.A. Fischer, I. Linkov. 2012. Epistemic uncertainty in predicting shorebird biogeography affected by sea-level rise, Ecol. Model. 240 (2012) 1-15.
Convertino, M., G.A. Kiker, R. Muñoz-Carpena, M.L. Chu-Agor, R.A., Fisher, I. Linkov, 2011. Scale- and Resolution-Invariance of Suitable Geographic Range for Shorebird Metapopulations. Ecol. Complex (2011), doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2011.07.007.
Aiello-Lammens, M., M.L. Chu-Agor, M. Convertino, R.A. Fischer, I. Linkov, H.R. Akçakaya, 2011. The Impact of Sea-level Rise on Snowy Plovers in Florida: Integrating Hydrological, Habitat, and Metapopulation Models. Global Change Biol. vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 3644-3654.
Convertino. M., M.L. Chu-Agor, R.A. Fisher, G.A. Kiker, R. Muñoz-Carpena, I. Lonkov, 2011. Anthropogenic renourishment feedback on shorebirds: A multispecies Bayesian perspective. Ecol. Eng. 37(2011) 1184-1194.
Chu-Agor, M.L., R. Muñoz-Carpena, G. Kiker, A. Emanuelsson, and I. Linkov, 2011. Exploring sea level rise vulnerability of coastal habitats through global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. Environ. Modell. Softw. 26(2011) 593-604.
Linkov, I., R.A. Fischer, M. Convertino, M. Chu-Agor, G. Kiker, C.J. Martinez, R. Muñoz-Carpena, H.R. Akçakaya, and M. Aiello-Lammens. 2010, The Proof of Sea-level Rise is in the Plover – Climate Change and Shorebirds in Florida, Endangered Species Bullettin (US FWS).
Fox, G.A., D.M. Heeren, G.V. Wilson, E.J. Langendoen, A.K. Fox, and M.L. Chu-Agor. 2010. Numerically predicting seepage gradient forces and erosion: Sensitivity to soil hydraulic properties. J. Hydrol. 389(2010), 354-362
Chu-Agor, M., G.A. Fox, and G.V. Wilson. 2009. Empirical sediment transport function predicting seepage erosion undercutting for cohesive bank failure prediction. J. Hydrol. 377(2009), 155-164.
Chu-Agor, M., G.A. Fox, R. Cancienne, and G.V. Wilson. 2008a. Seepage caused tension failures and erosion undercutting of hillslopes. J. Hydrol. 359(2008), 247-259.
Chu-Agor, M., G.V. Wilson, and G.A. Fox. 2008b. Numerical modeling of bank instability by seepage erosion undercutting of layered streambanks. J. Hydrol. Eng. 13(12), 1133-1145
Fox, G.A., M.L. Chu-Agor, and G.V. Wilson. 2007. Erosion of noncohesive sediment by groundwater seepage flow: experiments and numerical modeling. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 71(6): 1822-1830.