Hey, #ClubUGL! Some exciting changes are happening in your favorite library!

Photo courtesy of fansedge.com
- The Doors
First, we know how much everyone struggles with the doors coming in to the UGL. So, this spring, we’ll be replacing the glass doors with fancy beaded curtains. Not only will they be easier to get through, we think they’ll really class up the joint. - Snuggies
With the weather never making up its mind (is it in the 50s? is it gonna snow 11 inches?), we know the temperature can get a little nuts. So, next time you’re working on a paper and get a little chilly, stop by the Circulation Desk to check out an Illini Snuggie! Mmmm, nothing cozier than a blanket with sleeves… - The Courtyard
We decided that the courtyard wasn’t getting enough use, so we’re working on a plan to seal up the windows and then turn it into a giant salt-water aquarium. Now, instead of gazing out the windows at a few trees, you’ll be able to study with the sharks. We know. You can thank us later.
What do you think about these changes? Read more about our reasons for these service updates, then let us know what you think!