Where did all of the art come from on the Upper Level of the UGL? What’s with the yoga mat and rocking chair in the study rooms on the Lower Level? The Undergraduate Library has a lot of cool new spaces and services and we want to show them off and answer all of your questions by hosting an open house! The Undergraduate Library Spring 2016 Open House will take place Tuesday, March 15 and the events are scheduled from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Read more for a complete schedule of events:

“Untitled” by Monica Wilner
Art Gallery Opening
The new art gallery, located on the Upper Level of the UGL, showcases student artwork from The School of Art + Design. We are incredibly excited to showcase the artwork of talented students and we can’t wait to officially welcome this new space in our library. the UGL Open House will include a ribbon cutting ceremony for the art gallery (7:00), remarks from faculty in the School of Art + Design (7:10 – 7:30), comments from the featured artists (7:30 – 7:50), and free refreshments and cake (7:45 – 9:00).

Film Studio at the Undergraduate Library
Respite/Relaxation Room and Film Studio & Audio Studio Tours
In addition to the art gallery opening, we will also be offering tours of our brand new respite/relaxation rooms and the Media Commons Film Studio and Audio Studio! If you’ve ever been curious about video production (or if you just want to see what the green screen room looks like), tag along and demo the spaces at 7:20pm and 8:20pm. Our new respite/relaxation rooms offer a spot to de-stress and unwind without leaving the library. You can sit on the rocking chair, test out the white noise machine, and learn more about the tranquility kits (which include a natural spectrum light, a stress ball, exercise bands, and more) on the tours at 7:40pm and 8:40pm!

UGL Loanable Tech Cameras
Hands-On Loanable Technology Demos, New Collections, & More!
During the Open House event there will also be opportunities for you to interact with some of our more unique collections and services. From 7:00 – 9:00 you will be able to get a close-up look at some of our loanable technology devices, test out the library’s mobile app, and learn more about new software and services offered by the Media Commons. Writer’s Workshop will also be in attendance with information about their consultation services and some of our new collections will be on display for you to check out!
What is your favorite service or space at the UGL? Let us know on our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram pages!