Recommendations for Your Reading and Viewing Pleasure

Here at the UGL, we love to help you with your research and other library-related questions, but we also want to help you adjust to life at UIUC. Whether this is your first semester or your last semester, college can be stressful–what with the classes, the social scene, and the living away from home (we know, we’re students too!)–so it is crucial to make time to relax and feed your soul. And when you think of relaxation and soul-food, think of the UGL. Did you know we have a gaming center where you can chill out and play video games? How about our fantastic collection of movies from around the world? And for those of you into reading, we also have tons of great books, too.  Here are a few selected items that will help you feel relaxed, comfortable, and collegiate as you make your way through the first few weeks of Spring semester.

Career Cluster: Located on the upper level of the UGL, by the collaboration rooms. This bunch of books is here to provide structure, guidance, insight and inspiration, for those who know exactly where they are going or those who just want to know what’s out there.

Aiming for fame, fortune, and glory? Check out Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers: The Story of Success for his take on why the greats, from Oppenheimer to The Beatles, have achieved meteoric success.

Cover of DVD boxA DifferenWorld: Even if you weren’t alive when this Cosby Show spin-off first began, you might still relate to Denise Huxtable’s trials andtribulations as a freshman at Hillman College.  At the very least, you’ll get a kick out of the clothes.  And the hair. Who doesn’t love the late 80s??


The College Woman’s Cookbook: This is just cool. First, it’s an e-resource, so you can access it anytime, anywhere. Second, it’s from 1923 and was compiled by a bunch of cool college-going ladies up in Evanston. You might not learn how to cook from it, but we promise you’ll enjoy reading about Dixie biscuits and popovers.

For slightly newer, hipper recipes (that use ingredients you can actually get at County Market) check out The Healthy College Cookbook: Quick, Cheap, Easy. Impress the ladies, or gents, or your parents!

This is a real gem: One Fine Day! is a student-produced Internet TV show that ran for two seasons, in 2007 and 2008, about six RAs here at UIUC. On DVD for your viewing pleasure. We smell a cult classic.

Perhaps a touch outdated, Exploring the Undergrad Library is a DVD about–you guessed it–the UGL. You might laugh, you might cry, you might just learn something.

Multicultural Manners: Essential Rules of Etiquette for the 21st Century: UIUC is a diverse school where you’re bound to encounter and make friends with people from all sorts of backgrounds. This is essential reading for building friendships and networks with your peers, wherever you’re from.

You don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies.The Social Network: So, maybe you’re not planning to start a multi-billion dollar business while completing your degree at UIUC.  But what you do in college can change the world.  This terrifically entertaining film about Facebook’s humble beginnings might just inspire you to take your idea to the next level.

Find all these and more at your friendly neighborhood UGL.

p.s. If you can’t find something we’ve listed here, or want help finding more books and movies like these ones, stop by the Research Desk on the upper level, where we exist to assist!

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Welcome, UGL-iens!

Did you know that the UGL is awesome?

Vintage photo of student in Undergraduate Library

We were even awesome in the 70s.

It’s no secret that there’s a lot going on at the UGL.  A lot.  So much that it’s hard to keep track of.

But that’s why we’re here: so you don’t miss out on all the great things the UGL has to offer.  We’ll connect you to resources that make your life easier.  We’ll tell you how to check out an ipod–or even a Walkman if you’re into the 80s retro thing, or just want to listen to a book-on-tape.  And we’ll introduce you to things you might not have known, like who the people in the UGL are, and how they can help you.

We have a mission here at the UGL to encourage engagement with information and technology, provide space for collaborative inquiry and work, and support undergraduate students so they can succeed both in and out of school.  We see this blog as a fun, interactive way to continue to fulfill this mission.

We’ve created this blog to help you get more out of the UGL and your time at UIUC, and we’d love to hear from you.  Comments are open, and you can always send us an email if you want to make a suggestion, have a specific question, or just want to say hi.  And if you use an RSS reader, you can sign up to receive posts from this blog automatically by clicking the link on the right side of this page.

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