Poems from Students


Another poem that was written by a student of my class goes like this:

Ms. B

Ms. B is my class’s student teacher.
She is very nice.  I know some day she will make an awesome teacher!

Her smile makes my day,
Her laugh makes me smile,
Her face so bright and cheery!

She is the best student teacher ever!
I wish she could stay forever!

(But what I love most about her, is that she loves our class and me!)


It has been an amazing 4 months working with these 4th grade students and I am sad to have to say goodbye.  I have 3 more days to enjoy with them, but I already miss them.  It is crazy to think that just 4 months ago I was starting student teaching, and now I am closing this chapter.  As I finish out the week I look forward to the new adventures in life (getting a job is hopefully one of them!), but I am also sad to leave these amazing people I have grown attached to.  I know I won’t be able to stay away too long.  I bet I’ll be back in the classroom next week!  It’s been a great ride, and I hope you have enjoyed with me through my posts!