The Undergraduate Research at Illinois blog is a collaboration between the Office of Undergraduate Research and the Scholarly Commons, University Library.
This blog will focus on events and research help related to formal undergraduate research programs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Posts will include highlights of Illinois undergraduate research (see “Headlines: UG Research at Illinois” below), undergraduate research conferences and symposia from all disciplines, library resources and services addressing the needs of students and faculty, and occasional announcements including national conferences for undergraduate students. The blog also includes a calendar of events that will feature campus events, library workshops, deadlines for research opportunities, and national conferences (Calendar submission form).
Call for Submissions
“Headlines: UG Research at Illinois” are posts featuring undergraduate research happening on the Illinois campus. Submissions are accepted from undergraduate students and faculty mentors involved in formal undergraduate research programs across all disciplines.
Guidelines for submission:
- Please include a title (250 characters or less).
- Your narrative could consider the following: Tell us about your experience with undergraduate research. What have you learned? What is the impact on your field? How has your relationship with your students/faculty mentor changed the way you do research? We will consider any original writing about undergraduate research happening at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (up to 500 words).
- You may include up to three (3) images to be included in your post. These images can be of your research or of the people involved (e.g. JPEG, TIFF, or PNG preferred).
- “Headlines” will be published 2-3 times per month.
- Posts may be edited for clarity. Authors will retain copyright of their work. Please contact all of those involved in your narrative before official submission.
- Must be submitted by a current undergraduate student and/or faculty mentor involved in undergraduate research at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Open call for submissions: (Must login with your NetID and password).