Mike Irwin

Mike Irwin has been fascinated with therevids for the last 30 years and with insects in general since he was 7 years old. For the last 25 years his therevid research has been tucked in among other projects, notably leadership roles in the study of plant virus epidemiology, insect migration and dispersal, soybean entomology, and international agriculture. However, with the award in the fall of 1995 of a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Partnerships for Enhancing Excellence in Taxonomy (PEET), Mike has been able to concentrate his energies on this favored group of flies.
Dr. Brian M. Wiegmann

See Brian here and more officially here! Brian is the head Principal Investigator on the US National Science Foundation Assembling the Tree of Life for Diptera project [FLYTREE].
Also, check out the Diptera Tree of Life pages that Brian’s been working on…
Dr. David K. Yeates

Dr. David Yeates has relocated to CSIRO Entomology in Canberra where he has taken a position as Principal Research Scientist and Head of the Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC), the world’s largest collection of Australian insects. David will also continue his systematics research in Diptera at ANIC as part of the Natural Resources and Biodiversity Program. His new contact information is david.yeates@csiro.au