There have not been many extensive studies on the ecology of the family Therevidae. The larvae are predaceous on soil arthropods in loose, friable substrates, often in arid environments, and like most below ground dwellers, are rarely encountered unless these soils are being actively sieved. They twist violently when exposed and are extremely quick and agile in their attempts to escape. Even pupae when disturbed will wiggle vigorously in an attempt to scare away intruders. Adults have been described as secretive, and in most circumstances are rarely collected by hand. Many more are caught in well-placed Malaise traps along flight paths near moisture. Although many individuals are captured this way, less can be derived about their ecology than by observing the habits of those captured by hand. Many times, adults may be found mating on the soil surface, and being thus encumbered and somewhat preoccupied, can be more easily hand netted. Most published works include ecological observations that are more anecdotal than systematically gathered.