Theory Seminar (Fall 2017)
Theory seminar meets weekly on Mondays at 10:00 in room 3405. If you are interested in giving a talk please email Sahand Mozaffari at sahandm2 [at] .
- September 11. Tim Roughgarden. How Computer Science Informs Modern Auction Design.
*In room 2405 Siebel Center. - September 18. Edgar Solomonik. Strassen-like algorithms for symmetric tensor contractions.
- September 25. Mitchell Jones. On Separating Points by Lines.
- October 2. Chandra Chekuri. Multiplicative Weight Updates for Positive LPs.
- October 9. Chao Xu. Minimum violation vertex maps and their applications to cut problems.
- October 16. Alexander Kelley. Psuedorandomness for Unordered Branching Programs.
- October 23. Kasturi Varadarajan. Fault-Tolerant Covering Problems in Metric Spaces.
- October 30. Vasilis Livanos. Coevolutionary Opinion Formation.
*In room 3401 Siebel Center. - November 6. Chao Xu. Hypergraph k-Cut in Randomized Polynomial Time.
- November 10. Sanjeev Khanna. Approximate Matchings in Graph Streams and in the Simultaneous Communication Model.
*In room 3405 Siebel Center, at 11:00. - November 13. Kamesh Munagala. Pricing In Dynamic Two-sided Markets With Service Guarantees.
November 20. Fall break.- November 27. Joseph Cheriyan. Approximation Algorithms for Network Design.
- December 4. Michael Forbes. An Introduction to Polynomial Identity Testing.
- December 11. Eric Vigoda. Phase transitions in approximate counting.
- December 18. Hsien-Chih Chang. Sublinear-size Distance Preserver for Planar Graphs.