American Library Association (ALA) – Havana Book Fair Tour (February 10–17, 2017)

“Vamos a Cuba! Join the ALA-sponsored tour of Cuba during the International Havana Book Fair, February 10–17, 2017. In addition to the Havana Book Fair and the unique sights and sounds of Cuba, this year’s tour will have a half-day professional program with Cuban colleagues and a library volunteering opportunity to assist a library in need.”  For more information, go to ALA’s webpage.

The trip will take place during the Cuban Librarians Association (ASCUBI) Professional Library Conference, 14-18th February 2017.  ALA is working with Authentic Cuba Tours to offer U.S. librarians this eight day Cuba study tour.

Convocatoria del Evento Científico Bibliotecológico de la Asociación Cubana de Bibliotecarios (ASCUBI)


Call for ASCUBI Conference Participation, 14-18th February 2017 / Convocatoria del Evento Científico Bibliotecológico de la Asociación Cubana de Bibliotecarios (ASCUBI), 14 al 18 de Febrero 2017


Theme: Libraries and Society in the 21st Century
Tema: Bibliotecas y Sociedad en el siglo XXI

The Cuban Librarians Association (ASCUBI) with the cosponsorship of the National Library of Cuba José Martí, will hold its Professional Library Conference from the 14 to 18th of February 2017, during the celebration of the XXVI International Havana Book Fair at the National Library of Cuba,

La Asociación Cubana de Bibliotecarios, con el coauspicio de la Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba José Martí, convoca a su Encuentro Científico Bibliotecológico que tendrá lugar del 14 al 18 de febrero, durante la celebración de la XXVI Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana/2017, en la Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba.

For more details, see <Word> or <PDF> document.

Communities and Technologies: Realities, Challenges and Opportunities for Librarianship in Cuba

library_trendsConvocatoria para publicación de artículos: número especial de Library Trends (Tendencias Bibliotecarias) sobre “Comunidades y tecnologías: realidades, retos y oportunidades para los bibliotecarios en Cuba.” Los resúmenes y artículos completos podrán presentarse en español o inglés. La recepción de resúmenes será hasta el 1 de octubre del 2016 y podrán enviarlos utilizando el formulario en

Call for Papers: Library Trends special issue on “Communities and Technologies: Realities, Challenges and Opportunities for Librarianship in Cuba.” Abstracts and full articles may be submitted in either Spanish or English.  Submit abstracts by October 1, 2016 using the form at

Para más información / More information at: